Creating Calm

It’s been a while since I updated this blog. This is largely because I have been spending time in meditation and contemplation – often in the woods and usually with police officers. No, not on some bizarre community service – but as a qualified meditation teacher and founder of a brand new Community Interest Company – The Blue Light Club. I’ve set this up because I want to help.  I have seen emergency service workers under pressure from heavy workloads and “rest days” that are not entirely restful. Blue light workers continually put the needs of others over their own – often being the “fixer” within their own families and friends – they are never off duty. Some workers can carry trauma, and mental and physical health issues, yet still find it difficult to seek help for themselves.

So I have been “creating calm” for the past few years. And I want to do more. The Blue Light Club is poised to deliver more meditation retreats in the Forest (I have a number of police forces, a fire service and NHS partners all interested so far) and I want to use my media experience to record meditations and a fun, and inspiring Podcast – sharing resilience resources far and wide. You can really help me out in the first instance simply by clicking and subscribing to The Blue Light Club website. A subscriptions means just once a month updates. Oh, and I’m also looking for funders – so if you know anyone…

As for art work, the only painting I have been doing lately, is a series for prayer/quiet/meditation rooms in police buildings. I decided to make these abstract works, partly in homage to my late mother, who was just the best abstract painter, but also to ensure they could be enjoyed by people of all faiths. 

In peace and contemplation.

Caroline (also very much known as Caz these days) x